Wien, 15.01.2025, 23:45   DEUTSCH / ENGLISH

Angemeldet bleiben


Vamik Volkan (*1932) keeps on writing with a brilliant mind and broad experiences, always aware of the current issues in politics. Being born in Cyprus may explain his passion to keep on researching about large-group identities, immigration, political psychology and the unconscious origins of ethnic identities in conflict. Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize he now publishes “Immigrants and Refugees” at Karnac – responding to the refugee crisis in Europe that “make(s) psychoanalytic investigation (…) a major necessity” (“About the book”, karnacbooks.com). As Regine Scholz writes in her endorsement: “This is the right book for the right time”.

What to expect?

“Immigrants and Refugees“ is divided into two parts: First, Volkan focuses on the situation of the immigrants, their traumas and experiences (76 pages). In the second part he gives a short overview about the situation in the host countries, the development of prejudices and fear (26 pages). Part I is divided in seven chapters while the second part consists of three chapters, which all have a length between three to 16 pages....

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